Our vision is to inspire people to take charge of their future and be the agents of positive change in their direct communities.
Are you ready to become an active citizen with us?
Revive Knysna is a non-profit organization that works to create positive, lasting change in our local community.
Our mission is to empower people to take active ownership of their own future and create a better environment for the people of Knysna.
We strive to make Knysna an attractive place to live, work, visit and invest in by restoring heritage buildings, cleaning polluted areas, creating gardens and green spaces, preserving natural resources, clearing alien species and collaborating with various NPOs and NGOs in Knysna and our local municipality.
Are you looking for a unique and rewarding volunteer experience? Look no further than Revive Knysna.
Whether it's restoring heritage buildings, conservation, social projects or beautifying our town, there's something here that you can get involved in.
Scared to commit? Don't be. We're a diverse team that believes creativity, collaboration and action are fundamental to making an impactful difference in our community.
Be a force for positive change in Knysna by joining us.
Amazing volunteers
Epic projects completed
Hardworking staff
We're funded entirely by people like you and our local Knysna businesses.
We're working hard to revitalize this beautiful coastal town, help boost its local economy, and contribute towards its sustainable development.
While at the same time encouraging a return of tourism and bringing back the enchanting charm of Knysna.
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